Hi, you can free download APK file "Teta Vpn" for your LG K4, apk file version is 2.9 to download to your LG K4 just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files
Screenshosts of Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
  • Teta Vpn
Description of Teta Vpn

teta vpn is a fast and secure vpn proxy.

vpn service:
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and is a technology that creates a secure and encrypted connection over a public network such as the Internet. VPNs are commonly used to protect online privacy, secure data transfer, and bypass censorship and geo-restrictions.

When you connect to a VPN server, your device creates a secure and encrypted tunnel between your device and the VPN server. All internet traffic passing through this tunnel is encrypted, making it more difficult for hackers or other third parties to intercept or steal your information.

Version history Teta Vpn
New in Teta Vpn 1.6
new protocol
improve connection
New in Teta Vpn 1.1
Some Bug Fixed
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